Obligātais militārais dienests: pa punktiem

obligātais militārais dienests

Svaigs ICDS (International Centre for Defence and Security, EE) pētījums “Preparing for the worst” par obligāto militāro dienestu (OMD) un rezerves veidošanas risinājumiem Ziemeļvalstīs. LV nav pieminēta ne ar pušplēstu vārdu. Tas šķiet loģiski, jo neesam jau nekāda tur ziemeļvalsts, mums ir sava izpratne, kas ir “worst”, un rezervju uzkrāšanā pagaidām savs ceļš ejams (ceru, ka tiešām tikai pagaidām).

Hipersaite uz pētījuma tekstu ieraksta beigās. Ņemsim vērā, ka pētījuma mērķis nav kāda stūrgalvīga, paštaisna diletanta pārliecināšana par OMD lietderību, bet gan OMD priekšrocību un iespēju atklāšana apkopojot vairāku valstu pieredzi. Te būs autoru secinājumi:

1. OMD – tas ir izdevīgi, ja mērķis ir sagatavoties lielam karam par valsts izdzīvošanu. Conscription is the most cost-efficient way of producing large reserves and creating needed resilience to a country’s defence. This applies with special force to a country with a small population as compared to its territorial size. To build up defence that covers the whole country, a defence system based on conscription and regularly trained reserves is a must.

2. Sievietēm arī jādod iespēja, ar kaujas vienībām nesaistītu uzdevumu netrūks. It is important that as high a percentage of the annual cohort group as possible will be recruited and trained. Conscription should also be extended to the female population on a voluntary basis if not as an obligation. In addition to purely military tasks, there are a great number of tasks that support the country’s societal resilience and where special education and training are needed.

3. Atlase OMD iesaukumam ļauj atklāt valstij nepieciešamos, perspektīvos speciālistus, kuri citādi netiktu iesaistīti valsts aizsardzībā. Drafting as high a percentage of the male cohort group as possible (and the voluntary women) will mean that all possible talents embedded in the population can be utilized. This should apply in particular to young people with technical skills such as IT and cyber defence skills in addition to more traditional military skills.

4. OMD nav neizbēgams, bet izņēmumi ir reti. Studenti tiek iesaukti. As few exemptions from conscript service as possible should be allowed. For example, no special allowance should be given to university students. In general, these students will be most qualified to receive training to become reserve non-commissioned officers (squad leaders) or reserve officers (platoon leaders). If the university students are exempted, that will drastically shrink the talent pool for these positions.

5. Īsākais OMD termiņs nevar būt īsāks par 6 (sešiem, ministra kungs, sešiem) mēnešiem elementārā līmenī, deviņiem mēnešiem tehniskajām speciālitātēm un gadu instruktoriem. Ilgāks laiks OMD – lielāki bonusi. The shortest required conscription service-time for the simplest basic soldiers’ tasks should be no shorter than six months, nine months for more demanding technical tasks, and a year for the reserve non-commissioned officers and reserve officers. There should be special compensation for those who serve the longest (monetary benefits, easier access to university studies, better and less expensive health services etc.). Also, it is exceedingly important that the conscripts have meaningful tasks to do while they are carrying out their duties.

6. Par instruktoriem pārtop un pie lielākajiem bonusiem tiek labākie pamatapmācībā un izgļītotākie. Access to reserve non-commissioned officer and reserve officer training should be made as competitive as possible. Attention should be paid to academic achievements at the secondary school level, physical fitness, and in particular to the conscripts’ performance in the early “boot camp” training period.

7. Labākais vecums OMD 18-19 gadi un līdz 30 g.v. Labākās kaujas spējas 20-25 g.v. Atrodoties rezervē, ir iespējas attīstīties un augt karjeras ziņā, visu dienesta mūžu piedaloties papildapmācībā.The best time to enter the conscription system would be the year when the conscript becomes 18-19 years old. Conscription should be completed no later than the year the conscript turns 30. In reserves, the most fit and militarily capable units should have personnel who are between 20 to 25 years old. The leadership in these units could be up to 30 years old. After 5 years in the reserves, these units could be rotated to less demanding but still militarily important tasks. Leaders of these units could well be placed and rotated up to when they are 35-40 years old. In some higher ranks, the reservists could be as high as 50-60 years old. Reservists should be promoted only through regular training and exercises.

8. OMD cikla beigās (pēdējos 2-3 mēnešos OMD) karavīri darbojas reālistiskos kaujas apstākļos, vienības sastāvā. In the last 2-3 months of their service, conscripts should be trained and exercised as whole units in their war-time configurations. In particular, it is vital to have them exercise in demanding, realistic and robust conditions.

9. OMD vienības, kas kopā izgāja apmācību, jācenšas turēt kopā un atkārtoti trenēt vienības sastāvā (kolektīvi) nākamos piecus gadus, 2-3 nedēļas gadā. After the troops have fulfilled their conscription requirement, units should be kept together and exercised together each year for the first five years. These troops could also be used in foreign operations (of a crisis management type) as a unit. This would greatly improve their unit cohesion and thus increase their battle worthiness. Some of the troops should also be formed, trained, and exercised into high-level rapid deployment formations, deployable within 24 to 48 hours. Refresher training exercises, lasting from 2 to 3 weeks, should be arranged regularly, at least annually,for those troops with rapid deployment tasks.

10. OMD laikā izveidotās vienības tiek pakļautas pēkšņām mobilizācijas mācībām. In order to improve their rapid deployment quality, the troops should be trained in “snap exercises”. Part of the reserves should also be formed into units that could be quickly called up by the Chief of Defence, if the situation so requires.

11. Rezerves karavīri vecumā no 25 līdz 35 gadiem tiek norīkoti teritoriālai aizsardzībai. Some of the troops should also be given territorial and local defence tasks, especially when the reservists are over 25 but not over 35 years of age. These troops would provide the vital task of “deterrence by denial”; in other words, they would be trained, equipped and exercised for delaying tasks to gain time, to bleed the enemy, and in general to slow down an attack. Such units should have high competence in particular at antitank, anti-air, signals, and engineering skills.

12. OMD laikā izveidotās vienības turpina trenēties kolektīvi, izvairīšanās strikti sodāma. It īpaši, ja rezerves karavīram ir zināšanas IKT jomā. When reserve troops are called back to refresher training exercises, it should happen in their war-time formations. Refusal to participate in these exercises should be possible only under the strictest of condition, such as: if the reservist is living abroad; if his health condition has badly deteriorated (a medical statement by a certified medical doctor should always be required); or if the reservist’s skills could be better used in some other task. Particular attention should be given to those reservists who have high IT and cyber skills.

13. Rezerves karavīri tiek stingri uzskaitīti. Viņiem ir pienākumi. A follow-up system to monitor reservists’ life after the conscription period should be developed, and reservists should be required to inform military authorities of any changes to their address, contact details, or place of employment, and to notify them of any special skills acquired after the conscription period.

14. Rezerves karavīru dalība Zemessardzē tiek īpaši veicināta, brīvprātība adekvāti kompensēta. Reservists should be encouraged to join voluntary defence organizations in order to keep up and sharpen their military and other defence-related skills. Voluntary organizations should be organized accordingly in order to provide professional training opportunities to their members. It would be useful if reserve leaders (in particular platoon and company commanders) could periodically call up their troops for voluntary exercises. They should of course be compensated for the costs accrued.

15. Rezerves karavīri tiek informēti par mācību laikiem turpmākajiem pieciem gadiem. Rezerves karavīriem jāzina savi kara laika amati. It would be helpful if the reservists were given call-up schedules, say, for the next five years. They could use that information to make themselves more available. They should also be advised of their war-time placements in order for them to sharpen their military skills voluntarily.

16. Rezerves karavīrus jāapmāca apieties ar jaunāko tehniku un bruņojumu. With today’s high educational background, conscripts could and should be trained to handle the most sophisticated modern weapons systems. Those conscripts who have been taught to use such systems during their conscription period, should be called back for refresher training at least once a year, if not more often.

17. IKT speciālistiem īpašie noteikumi. IT and cyber experts should be formed into special cyber defence units and they should be recalled back to refresher training exercises at least once a year, if not more often.

18. Tie rezerves karavīri, kuri vairs neder karam, der visur citur, aizmugures un civilmilitārās sadarbības uzdevumiem. Uzdevumu Societal resilience to military and nonmilitary challenges (including all kinds of hybrid war situations) could be improved by training reservists in the socalled “whole of government” or “whole of society” tasks. Such training should be offered in particular to those reservists who are more than 30 years old and who in general are no longer included in the front-line military formations. Such individuals could be also used as “enablers” in various support and logistics tasks, and tasks associated with ensuring the continuity of critical government services. All conscription-age men and women should be introduced to such “whole of society” tasks.

Vairāk par Ziemeļvalstu OMD pieredzi šeit

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8 gadus atpakaļ

Logiski, ka valstim ar OMD ir jaraksta izsmelosa argumentacija, kamdel dargi un neefektivi gatavoties pagatnes karam. Nakotnes kars nebus tads, ka rada filmas par WWII.

8 gadus atpakaļ

Valstī itkā ir dzimumu līdztiesība. Sieviešu organizācijas gadiem cīnās par līdzvērtīgām tiesībām ar vīriešiem, bet te atkal tiek padarītas par nepilnīgu dzimumu.